I am happiest when making things. Sitting at my desk in my studio, music on loud.
As a child, my mother would give me tools rather than toys to play with, saving those cardboard toilet tube inners and polystyrene trays for me to build things from. It would keep me quiet for hours, snipping and gluing whole worlds into existence.
I guess I never stopped; starting in architecture, moving into animation and console games and now graphic novels. It has been a fascinating journey, understanding how the things we love are made; I’m a deep appreciator of all crafts.
One of the best things about having worked across many industries is that they cross-fertilize each other. When making games, free from the limits of gravity or material costs, it benefited from the real-world rigors I learned in architecture. I think it is always good to pull in inspiration from outside the domain you are working in, it makes fresher, more grounded work.
Ultimately, whatever creative discipline, they are all about communicating a feeling to another person. Bridging the gap between your imagination and the experience of someone else is hugely challenging, rewarding and endlessly fascinating for me.